Learn photography and change the way you see the world.

I want to teach YOU how to take beautiful photos and compose your photos and your life with light (without the overwhelm, confusion and frustration your camera may have caused you in the past).

I offer two different online courses, designed to meet you where you're at. I want to guide you on your journey and leave you equipped and excited to harness your creativity and capture beautiful images.

HEY, I'M LAURA!   Welcome.

Are you an aspiring photographer?  Well, my friend, this is where it all begins. I will guide you on an amazing adventure into the joy of photography. All skill levels are welcome, with any type of camera, even just the camera on your phone!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by photography?


If photography has caused you to feel frustration, fear or overwhelm in the past, don't worry. Here you'll find simple, online photography education for the everyday person. I break down the technical to make it easy to understand (on any kind of camera, even a phone).

My goal is to take you from feeling insecure to feeling confident in your ability to give expression to the creativity inside of you.

Do you want to replace the frustration with joy? That's my goal for you, friend.

Is this the place for you?


I was scared of my camera. I knew it could do a lot, but somehow I just couldn't get off the "auto" setting. I was constantly frustrated with the photos I was taking. Signing up for a photography course was the best thing I ever did. Learning to use my camera changed the way I saw the world. I started looking for light . . . and finding it everywhere; through my camera lens as well as in my "real life." I went from being frustrated and scared of my camera, to being able to create the images I saw with my heart--the images that capture stories and emotions, and freeze moments in time. This journey changed me forever. I promise that you can experience this too. It would be my privilege to teach you photography in a way that serves you, inspires you and brings joy to your life. Even if you're a bit scared, this is the place for you.

"It's sheer brilliance to turn our ordinary into a tale with depth and layers. We shouldn’t forget the magic we make every time we press the shutter button.”   ~ Cindy Cavanagh


I will teach you how to:
  • Cultivate a creativity mindset 
  • Train your eyes to see the light around you and capture it with your camera 
  • Master a variety of composition techniques to add interest to your photos 
  • Practice taking control of your camera settings such as shutter speed and aperture 
  • Learn how to tell stories and capture memories with your camera 
  • Enhance your photos by appropriate editing 
  • Increase your thankfulness, joy and appreciation for the beauty around you

Which course is right for you?

"Learn Travel Photography" will prepare you for an upcoming trip, from what to take, to how to use your camera or phone to get the best possible images and enhance your experience along the way. The end result will give you amazing images of your travel that you'll be able to enjoy for years to come. This course can either by done in 10-15 minutes a day for five days (a series of emails sent out daily will keep you on track), or it can be completed through the instant-access feature of the course in just over one hour. Get ready for your upcoming travel!

"Looking for the Light: Photography & Life" is a comprehensive photography course for beginners that will take you from feeling uncertain about your camera, to confidently being able to express your creativity and capture amazing images. You can immediately access all of the 6 modules, or complete them over 6 weeks, with reminder emails sent weekly. Each module involves about 30 minutes of online training (then give yourself time to do the assignment). Invite a friend or sponsor a student for free and help keep each other motivated!

Calling all light-seekers . . . 


The word "photography" means "drawing with light." Once I learned how to look for the light, I began to understand how to take beautiful images with my camera. I was able to capture moments and milestones, tell visual stories creatively, and see the world from a new perspective. This incredible perspective and creativity began to overflow into other areas of my life, and I just couldn't get enough. I began to notice and appreciate light and beauty around me each day. I want this for you, too! My courses will teach you how to capture authentic moments, express yourself artistically, and how to take control of your camera. "Looking for the Light: Photography & Life" also includes relevant life-application aimed at increasing your joy, perspective and creativity in real life.


 "Looking for the Light: Photography + Life" is a starter course that combines beginning photography skills with real-life application aimed at uplifting your perspective, thankfulness and joy.


Sign up for a dose of inspiration delivered straight to your inbox! These emails inspire your creativity and keep you motivated to pick up that camera to find and capture beauty in your days.


Journey together with other like-minded individuals who are exploring the world of photography and learning to "look for the light" in their lives. Inspire, uplift & encourage one another along the way.

Experience the joy of


I promise, your creativity is there, ready to be awakened! You just need a trusted step-by-step process that helps you change your perspective in order to create something unique. It's about slowing down, intentionally choosing what to focus on, and capturing the beauty that's already around you. In the process, you'll realize that your life is being changed! Creativity will begin to flow in other areas of your life. Your perspective will elevate as you face challenges in your path. Your camera will train you to see your world anew, and interact with it in an entirely different way. As a bonus, there's nothing quite like the high of creating ART that blesses those who see it, and blesses you along the journey.

Step-by-step Modules 
Avoid overwhelm by building skills one actionable step at a time. Each lesson will intentionally build on the last one, moving you forward in your skills and understanding.

Get Inspired
In each course you will be given assignments and inspiration that will push you to create amazing images and change your perspective in life.

Do it Together
I can't wait to interact with you personally. You'll also be invited to join a community of other light-seekers, and find an accountability group or partner if you'd like.

A Great Investment
You will be able to remain a member of the community, and view the lessons for the lifetime of the course. Reach out to me any time for help!

Freeze this moment so you can remember it forever


Have you ever felt frustrated that the photos you take don't really capture the essence of the moment, or the true personality of the people? I'll teach you how to look for and create opportunities to capture the kinds of photos that are full of joy and authenticity, that tell visual stories, and freeze moments in time. Children grow and loved ones pass on. It's such a gift to know how to photograph them authentically. I'll teach you how to use your camera as a natural extension of the moment, instead of it becoming something that gets in the way of living life and laughing with your loved ones.

Just need a little support?


I get it! Photography can feel overwhelming. There's often a gap that's WAY too big between what you see with your eyes and what you see on your camera screen. But when you seek to close this gap by learning your camera, you get quickly overwhelmed. Aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, depth of field . . . all terms that jumble together in your head and seem beyond your reach. Don't worry. I've got you! I'm a former teacher and a professional photographer, so I'm uniquely suited to help you learn. I will demystify each term and walk you through the real-life application of each, so that you feel empowered to know how to take control of your camera. With practice, you will know exactly how to use it as a tool to create amazing images, unlocking your creative potential. I'll also be personally available to you and I'm happy to answer any and every question. 
Because life isn't just about pretty photos


The photos you end up with are just part of the experience. Through my photography courses, you will learn about so many things that will help you in "real life" including:

-Authentically connecting with people
-Being "in the moment" instead of just documenting it
-How changing your focus and perspective can change your results
-Finding light in your everyday life, and how the shadows can accentuate the light
-Elevating your creativity
-Creative problem-solving
-Joy & positivity (And so much more!)

Photography and life go hand-in-hand, and an investment in photography is an investment in YOU, one that can equip you with the tools and inspiration you need to life life more fully.

Sachiko Soro
VOU Dance 

Laura worked with our social media team on the art of photography. It was the highlight of the year many of them expressed. They learnt so much from the experience, including simple tricks and tools that could be used on a mobile phone. Laura’s teaching is passionate as well as open and kind. The content of the course was very detailed and interesting. Laura has a vast experience in the field of photography so we were very grateful to be able to learn some of the foundational principles from her in a great learning environment.