Looking for the Light (Instant-Access)

Introducing: Looking for the Light: Photography & Life online course

Maybe you're a bit like me.

I used to feel frustrated by my camera. I knew it could do a lot, but somehow I just couldn't get off the "auto" setting. I was constantly dissatisfied with the photos I was taking. My kids were so cute, and I just wanted to get some great shots of them at that age, so I could remember those moments forever.

 Signing up for a photography course changed everything. It even changed the way I saw the world. I started looking for light . . . and finding it everywhere; through my camera lens as well as in my "real life." I went from being frustrated and scared of my camera, to being able to create the images I saw with my heart--the images that capture stories and emotions, and freeze moments in time. This journey changed me forever and even led me into a career as a sought-after photographer.

I promise that learning photography will change you too. It would be my privilege to teach you photography in a way that serves you, inspires you and brings joy to your life. Even if you're a bit scared, this is the place for you. I'm here for you.

Welcome! I'm Laura.

When I picked up a camera, I started to see the world differently. I found joy in the journey of capturing images of life and beauty around me, and it actually changed the course of my future. Now I'm a professional photographer, a photography teacher and a life coach with a passion to spread the blessing of photography to others (not just the technical, but the part that touches your heart)!

I love to teach photography in a simple-to-understand way that will impact your life. I'll help you increase your creativity, connect with people, and I'll get you capturing beautiful photos in no time! Whether you just have the camera on your phone, or a "big" camera, this course is for you. No experience or special equipment is necessary.

Introducing: Looking for the Light: Photography & Life 
An instant-access photography course that teaches you everything you need to know, from beginning to end!

The course is easy to understand and follow. Laura explains clearly and in detail how to accomplish the techniques she is teaching. With these professional tips you can bring your photos to life in exciting new ways!

Karen P.


Learn how to think creatively and overcome mental blocks like perfectionism and comparison. Embrace a sense of wonder and learn to see the world anew.

Learn how to see the light around you: the color, emotion, angle and intensity. Determine what time of day and type of light will work in your photos and learn how to fix odd color casts.

Module Three:  COMPOSITION
Explore a variety of composition tips and learn how to see the subject and the focal point in your images. Discover how to lead the viewer's eye in order to create a strong composition.

Don't let your camera choose for you. Here I'll de-mystify terms like shutter speed and aperture, teaching you how to shoot in manual and create the correct exposure for your images. Don't have a "big camera"? That's okay. I'll also include training on phone photography and give you some tips on what to look for if you do want to buy a camera later.


A great photo tells a story. Learn how to tell stories of everyday life around you and capture images and memories of loved ones that you can cherish for years to come.

Module Six: EDITING
Here's where I teach you how to create some magic through post-processing. Learn about RAW images and how to add color, depth and interest to your photos through editing.

6 Step-by-step Modules 
Learn photography in six modules to watch at your leisure. Avoid overwhelm by building skills one actionable step at a time. Journey with me over the next 6 weeks.

Get Inspired
In each module, you will be given assignments and inspiration that will push you to create amazing images and change your perspective in life.

Do it Together
I can't wait to interact with you personally. You'll also be invited to join a community of other light-seekers, and find an accountability group or partner if you'd like.

A Great Investment
You will be able to remain a member of the community, and view the lessons for the lifetime of the course. Reach out to me any time for help!

 Laura’s teaching is passionate as well as open and kind. The content of the course was very detailed and interesting.

Sachiko S.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Cultivate a creativity mindset 
  •  Train your eyes to see the light around you and capture it with your camera  
  • Master a variety of composition techniques to add interest to your photos  
  • Practice taking control of your camera settings such as shutter speed and aperture  
  • Capture amazing photos on your phone (you can do this whole course with a phone) 
  • Learn how to tell stories and capture memories with your camera  
  • Enhance your photos by appropriate editing 
  • Increase your thankfulness, joy and appreciation for the beauty around you

I joined this course wanting to gain a deeper understanding of editing photos, composing great photos and how to take photos using manual mode. I learnt all this and much more! I found Laura an engaging teacher, with the online content very relevant and easy to understand. I enjoyed all the little details, the community group, and also the life application attached to each module. I now feel equipped with the necessary knowledge to progress my photography further, thank you Laura!

Roy H.

Enroll now and you will receive:

  • A discounted price of $47. It's usually $147, so snag it now!
  • 6 strategic modules designed to take you from beginner to feeling confident in your photography
  • Optional life application videos at the end of each module
  • Instant access to each of the modules (plus receive a reminder every week for 6 weeks to keep you on track)
  • An assignment in each module, promoting hands-on learning
  • "Looking for the Light" community group: post your photos, receive encouragement and keep each other accountable
  • Live Q&A sessions with me and others in the course
  • One-on-one support with me (plus photo critique if desired)
  • Lifetime access (complete it now or when you have time later)

Plus these Bonuses: $151 VALUE!

  • Behind-the-scenes video of a portrait shoot showing how I implement the things I’ve taught in the course on a real, live photo session ($27 value)
  • PDFs and printable resources and “cheat sheets” to help you as you move forward in your photography journey ($27 value)
  • Bonus Module: iPhone photography (everything you need to know to take amazing photos just using your phone! ($97 value)

This was a fantastic class! The modules were well prepared & thought out. I loved the calm and peaceful presentation. The assignments were quite applicable to the respective modules & I enjoyed the whole experience. I feel like I am finally seeing more of the light in photography & my life. I am looking forward to taking better pictures. Totally loved the life applications as well!

Joan M.

Everything is online.
Learn at your own pace!

Once you purchase the course, you will have instant access to all of the online materials, so you can learn on your own time: anytime, anywhere! In order to keep you on track, I will send you an email every week for six weeks introducing the next of the six modules (but you're still welcome to work faster or slower than that if you'd like). You will also have access to the community group where you can post your images and get feedback, and encourage others on their photography journey as well. I will also offer weekly online live sessions where you can ask me questions and get inspired by others in the Looking for the Light community group. It's a formula for success!

Money-Back Guarantee
I am so convinced that you will learn and grow from this course, I will offer a full money-back guarantee on your investment any time within the first two weeks.

Is this the course for me? What sets it apart?

If you're looking for a super-technical course with lots of numbers and complex formulas, this is NOT the course for you. If you're feeling overwhelmed by all of the information out there, then you're in the right place. My goal is to take the technical and simplify it as much as possible, while at the same time giving you a foundational, working understanding of the most important concepts.

What camera is in your hands? I'll teach you how to use it. You can take this course with a DSLR or mirrorless camera and I'll explain it to you. Or, you can start with your phone (and later upgrade to a "big camera" if you want, knowing you have this course that will teach you how to use it!)

My course is also unique in that it is designed to increase positivity and joy in your "real life." Every module includes an optional life-application video addressing how to apply what you're learning. Struggling at work? Try changing your perspective. Feeling overwhelmed by despair? Train yourself to look for the light. Let your problem solving skills and creativity bloom as you are inspired.

I'm so grateful to Laura; she is so humble and easygoing. If at any point in time you need assistance, she will never hesitate to help.

Rachna K.

Support Something Good.

Feel good about your investment in this class, knowing that the proceeds help support Island Encounters, a non-profit that works in community development, sustainable agriculture, kid's programs and youth programs in Fiji and across the Pacific (this is my "other job"!).

Also, I have a wait list of people in Fiji and elsewhere who are interested in being sponsored to participate in this course. If you'd like to sponsor one of them (instead of inviting a friend), reach out to me at laurapittmaneducation@gmail.com.


There are six modules that you can work through at your own pace. The module lessons take about 30 minutes to watch in total, and each lesson is between 3-10 minutes long. After watching the lessons, I recommend that you take 30+ minutes to practice and implement what you learned in the lesson by completing the assignment for that module. You are welcome to do more! The more you shoot, the better you'll get!

Nope, don't worry!  You can participate in this course with just the camera you have on your phone. I will even give you gear suggestions and recommend what you may want to buy moving forward if you choose to invest in camera gear after this course. In Module Four, I teach how to take control of your camera. These settings are most easily adjusted on a DSLR or mirrorless camera, however if you only have a camera phone, I'll teach you how to use that too.

If you do have dreams of being a photographer, great! But even if you don't, this course will be useful to you because it will train you how to think creatively, and how to see the world from a different perspective. When you strengthen your "creativity muscle" through photography, it will spill over to other areas of your life and you will see positive change there as well. Maybe you'll find a creative solution to that problem at work, or maybe you'll learn to slow down and notice life around you. You'll be able to take beautiful portraits of your loved ones and freeze moments in time. There are so many benefits to learning photography!

Don't worry about this course being too advanced for you. I designed it for aspiring photographers who don't know anything technical yet, or for beginning/enthusiast photographers who are looking to uplevel their hobby and learn to take control of their camera (and/or phone).

It's true you can learn so much on the internet by looking it up yourself. But it's time consuming to do that, and you may end up more confused since it's difficult to know where to start. I have walked this path ahead of you. I've cut out all of the unnecessary technical details, and have focused on simple techniques and teaching that leaves you feeling empowered to know exactly what to do, instead of confused and overwhelmed. In addition, I offer personal support and feedback myself. I will also give you an invitation to join an online community of other students who are working through the modules together with you. You will have the option to choose an accountability parter within the course group. The other benefit of the "Photography + Life" course is that it's full of life-application. I'm not aware of any other photography course available that is doing this. To me, as a certified life coach, it's such a natural connection for photography skills and creativity to flow over into "real life." It's what makes me so passionate about this course!

No problem! You can let me know if you'd like an accountability partner and I can match you up with someone else. You can also use your extra coupon code to sponsor a Fijian student to do the course. I work for a non-profit in Fiji and I know several people that would love to participate!

Yes! You can receive a full refund anytime within the first two weeks if you feel like this course is not a fit for you. But I know you'll love it. I've designed this to inspire, uplift and education in a simple and easy to understand way. If you're looking very scientific/mathematical/technical training or advanced photography training, this isn't the course for you.

What are you waiting for?
Let me lead you into the blessing of photography.
Join me today!