When I picked up a camera, I started to see the world differently. I found joy in the journey of capturing images of life and beauty around me, and it actually changed the course of my future. Now I'm a photographer, teacher and certified life coach.

I love to teach photography in a simple-to-understand way that will impact your life. I'll help you increase your creativity, connect with people, and I'll get you shooting beautiful photos in no time! Whether you just have the camera on your phone, or a "big" camera, this is for you. No experience or special equipment is necessary.


Click here to find out more about my "Looking for the Light" course or travel  photography course. Read on below to find out which course is for you. 


Want to schedule a shoot? Click here to book wedding or portrait photography with me in Kona, Hawaii, or with myself or my associate in Fiji. 


How I got into photography, and why I do what I do. I'm probably a lot like you. Let me share the blessing of photography with you!


 - Have you ever wanted to take better photos but just didn't know where to start?

 - Are you looking for something simple and easy to understand?

- Have you ever gotten frustrated, wasting your time trying to find your way through how-to videos, only to just give up?

- Do you want to increase your creativity in life?

 -Are you needing a fresh dose of inspiration and joy?  

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If you've nodded your head to any of these, I'm here for you!
I have traveled this path before you, and can't wait to show you my proven steps to help you learn and apply photography to your life. 

Check out "Looking for the Light: Photography & Life":
  • Non-technical, simple & easy to understand 
  • 6 Concise and practical modules presented step-by-step. Complete the course over 6 weeks, or go faster if you'd like.
  • Learn about light, composition, camera controls & editing
  • Learn creative storytelling
  • Join a supportive community
  • One-on-one coaching and support from me included
  • Life application videos including topics such as creativity, perspective, thankfulness and joy


 Are you headed on a trip and want to make sure you can capture the best possible images in that amazing location? 

 - The best camera is the one you have with you. Learn how to use your phone (and your big camera if you have one) to capture the essence of your trip.

- You will want to make your travels come alive for your friends and family who weren't there (without boring them to tears by showing too many photos). I can help you  tell an amazing story with your images!

- Intentionally taking photos can actually help you enhance your travel  experience! You will look at the world around you with fresh eyes.

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You can spend thousands on a trip. Don't forget to invest in capturing it. Let me get you ready to go in just five concise lessons.

Check out "Learn Travel Photography."
  • Five short lessons to get you ready to go
  • Learn how to better use your phone to take photos
  • Learn about what gear to bring and how to take care of it
  • If you want to buy or bring a "big camera" we will cover that too, including gear recommendations for travel.
  • Learn the basics of composition, color, connection, culture, editing, organizing and sharing your story.

"Photography has become one of the greatest blessings in my life. Let me share that blessing with you." ~ Laura

Click below to learn more about my photography courses!


Click below to learn more about "Learn Travel Photography" or "Looking for the Light: Photography & Life" online courses.